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Friday, November 16, 2012


Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) is another oil I use frequently.  Historically it was used for purification and digestion.

Lemongrass's medical properties: Antifungal, antibacterial, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, regenerates connective tissues and ligaments, dilates blood vessels, improves circulation, promotes lymph flow.
Uses include: bladder infection, respiratory/sinus infection, digestive problems, parasites, torn ligaments/muscles, fluid retention, varicose veins, Salmonella. [from the: Essential Oils Desk Reference 5th addition]

I LOVE this oil.  First off it smells great to me.  Secondly, I was once told to use it before and after going to a public swimming pool, or any other place I would be exposed to large amounts of chlorinated water.  As we all know, our skin absorbs what is placed next to it, be that chemical, natural substance, or toxins.  Using Lemongrass helps our bodies get rid of any chlorine that is taken into the body- doesn't that sound wonderful?
I usually add a few drops to my regular bath and always come away feeling refreshed and ready to be active.  I will also diffuse it in my trusty diffuser when I don't have time for a bath, but need a bit of a pick me up.

Please visit my website for pricing and to order this essential oil.

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